CV & cover letter

When searching for a job, it is important to organise your job search, so you can have a clear picture on:
where to apply, until when you need to send the application, what are the job requirements, etc.
Most of the job applications online ask for a resume (CV) and cover letter (motivation letter).
Employers use the CV to get the information about your name and contact, education, work experience,
languages you speak, informal education, your competences and engagements.
Cover letter is used by the employees to show the potentional employer why they initialy applied for the job,
what are their competences for the particular job position (to clarify some parts of the CV
and explain what are the company's benefits from these competences), etc.
CV should be 2 pages long, with extra pages of attached diplomas,
clearly showing the name of the education or work experience, with the description of the main things learned
during the education or worked on/with when working.)
CV should not be redundant and simply repeat general expressions that many people say in general,
but put little more effort and write about why you are, for example, organized, communicative, and a great team worker.

Dobrodošli na InfoBit, web stranicu koja prikazuje informacije o životu u Hrvatskoj!
InfoBit je besplatan posrednik između vas i: vašeg novog posla, jezika kojeg ćete govoriti, ili druge profesionalne vještine koju ćete razviti.


Kako si?
How are you?
"Kako si?" is used when you are asking your friend How is he/she?, but when talking to a person
that is much older than you or to show respect, you will use "Kako ste?".

Odakle si?
Where are you from?
"Odakle si?" is used when you are asking your friend Where is he/she from?, but when talking to a person
that is much older than you or to show respect, you will use "Odakle ste?".

Koliko imaš godina?
How old are you?
"Koliko imaš godina?" is used when you are asking your friend How old is he/she?, but when talking to a person
that is much older than you or to show respect, you will use "Koliko imate godina?".

na primjer
for example

Thank you

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Kako si?
How are you?

Hrvatska zastava
Britanska zastava
Arapska zastava


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Web stranica je namijenjena osobama arapskog govornog područja
koji bi htjeli naučiti hrvatski jezik.

Welcome to the website for learning the basics of Croatian language!
The website is for the Arabic speaking people who would like to learn
Croatian language.

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