Interviews are the second step after applying for the job. Companies invite the people that they picked based on their CV and/or cover letter.
Often, the companies have special department which is assisting them to find the right person (or more people). After thexy read your CV and your cover letter,
if they are interested, they will call you for the interview to get to know you better. They will most probably call the number that you provided in the CV so make sure it is a correct and accurate one,
Sometimes they send the e-mail, but they already have your e-mail contact if you applied by sending them e-mail.
If you get a call from an unknown number, make sure you answer, or send the SMS saying you are available at certain time in the day (you provide when you are available to take calls).
Also, if you are curious who called, try "googling" the number, and you might find it is a company you applied for, but sometimes they call from personal unregistered number.
- be on time (that means at least 15 minutes before the agreed time)
- dress smart, or casual smart, depending on the job position and the company's image
- read your CV and cover letter
- you can also summarise your CV and cover letter in 250 words so you are sure to mention all the important parts and to be confident about it
- get to know the company that is recruting, do a small research about the job position and reread the job description, even quote some parts when answering the question why you applied for that specific job position (that way they see you didn't randomly apply just because they are hiring people)
- etc.
- when they ask you, speak about yourself and don't hesitate to talk nice about yourself, because you are not showing off, but showing your worth
- your CV is showing the education and working positions you invested your time in and you are not braging, but emphasizing the competences you aquired
- they might ask you the questions about the knowledge you need when working there, which doesn't mean you have to know everything they do, because remember, you probably didn't work at their company
- they might ask you about the previous experience
- they might ask you for the expected salary (if they didn't specify in the job advertisment), where you see yourself in 5 to 10 years (where you should have the ready answer that will show you want to evolve in your job by having more responsability, be paid more, but still be content with your job, etc)
- don't be afraid to talk to them, because you want to show that you are easy to talk to and approachable, as a potential future co-worker
- they are also people, so they will sometimes be unpleasant or not to talkative, but you need to be nice and professional.
- be patient while waiting for them to contact you again
- try not to just wait but stay focused and keep searching and applying for other job positions
- remember that, the same as they require some things from you, you have all the right to tell them you found another position, if the other company contacts you and wants to hire you
- they will give you a paycheck, but you will give them your knowledge, ideas, and work.
InfoBit is a free intermediator between you and: your new job, language that you will speak, or other professional skill that you will develop.
Dobrodošli na InfoBit, web stranicu koja prikazuje informacije o životu u Hrvatskoj!
InfoBit je besplatan posrednik između vas i: vašeg novog posla, jezika kojeg ćete govoriti, ili druge profesionalne vještine koju ćete razviti.
that is much older than you or to show respect, you will use "Kako ste?".
that is much older than you or to show respect, you will use "Odakle ste?".
that is much older than you or to show respect, you will use "Koliko imate godina?".
Dobrodošli na web-stranicu za učenje osnova hrvatskog jezika!
Web stranica je namijenjena osobama arapskog govornog područja
koji bi htjeli naučiti hrvatski jezik.
Welcome to the website for learning the basics of Croatian language!
The website is for the Arabic speaking people who would like to learn
Croatian language.